Increased usage of appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, electric geysers, microwave ovens, air conditioners etc. has led to exponential increase in monthly electricity bill for common man. Despite the government’s best efforts to rapidly increase power generation, grid power still suffers from significant power outages frequently and often unscheduled ones due to a variety of reasons. While residential & small commercial establishments have installed UPS & small capacity gensets to have back-up power during a grid outage, they mostly provide short duration back-up to limited appliances & are not an alternate power source to grid power.

Solution for all these problems- solar, the only source of energy where the cost of energy generation will keep reducing in future since the fuel source (sunlight) is free and abundantly available. With solar panels able to produce electrical energy for over 25 years, once the investment cost is recovered in first 4 - 6 years, it is essentially a free energy source for the rest of its functional life.

In addition to being clean, dependable & a silent source of energy with minimal maintenance requirements, solar power is also the most flexible energy source as it is suitable for modular installations of any capacity & scale, to power either a specific application or a range of equipment. This has made solar the most suitable source of energy for decentralized power generation.

A compact roof space of 10 feet x 10 feet, say on top of a staircase room or even on top of an overhead water tank of most residential houses can be mounted with 1.5kW capacity of solar panels which will generate up to 6 kWh (units) of electrical energy and reduce the household’s dependency on grid power to a large extent. For a typical 2 bedroom house with 3 or 4 people residing in it, harnessing this much free solar energy can reduce their grid power consumption, or, electricity bill, by over 60%.

With specific information on the appliances being used and their utilization pattern, the solar power system can easily be optimized and the project made almost grid independent, where grid power can become just a backup source of power. This is were we, as a consultant help you to setup the most optimized Solar Energy system for your project.